
主题:还愿----送草纹, 湿疹和青春痘 -- 虽远必诛

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我的成年人暗疮就是看了这个后控制下来的,在澳洲sorbolene应用很广, 儿童湿疹,sorbolene可以保湿,我儿子在一岁时湿疹在用了organic sorbolene 后消失了,

这个访谈是澳洲广播电台的health report做得,重播过几次,


Dr Hugh Molloy, a dermatologist皮肤病专家



My basic message is that a lot of the patients I see, probably well over half the patients I see, are causing their own skin problems.(他认为超过一半的病人的病是自己造成的)

1,不用香皂和洗发香波,我也是有5年没用这些东西了。用 sorbolene。


Hugh Molloy: I don't know exactly, but my suspicion is that the constant use of soap changes the ecology of the skin.

Norman Swan: The bacteria on the skin?

Hugh Molloy: The bacteria on the skin. And it probably knocks out a lot of the goodies and leaves more space for the baddies to survive. And the baddies are the ones which, by their biochemistry and by their effects on the perspiration, produce odour. Once you get the normal population of bacteria back onto the skin, then we don't seem to produce as much odour.


Hugh Molloy: My advice for people living in this modern world is not to use soap.

Norman Swan: At all?

Hugh Molloy: I personally haven't used any soap for twenty years.(20年没用香皂了:))

Norman Swan: And I can testify to the listener that it's not an unpleasant experience sitting next to you in the studio.主持人说没闻到怪味


Hugh Molloy: My basic message is that a lot of the patients I see, probably well over half the patients I see, are causing their own skin problems.(他认为超过一半的病人的病是自己造成的)

Norman Swan: Causing their own skin problems?

Hugh Molloy: Yes, by the way in which they're looking after their skin. I think a lot of problems, be they psoriasis, eczema, or any other skin disorders, and a lot of types of acne, particularly that occurring later in life, are ways in which the skin is reacting to what is being done to it.


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