
主题:这个有点大棋味道了, 为土共叫声好 -- 老广

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我是在bbc international上看的。印度已经翻天了,你Google一下,Hurriyat chief Mirwaiz Umar Farooq to visit China,已经2660条。随便挑一条


Fri, Nov 20, 2009

New Delhi: India may have rejected United States of America President Barack Obama's offer to China to be the supercop in India-Pakistan matters but sources say Hurriyat Chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq is going to China to give them his perspective on Kashmir.

"Yes, I will visit China soon. I have been invited by a Chinese NGO to talk about Muslim issues. It is basically a Muslim NGO," Farooq has been quoted as saying by The Indian Express.

Farooq is likely to meet diplomats and administrators in Beijing during his visit later in 2009.

If the visit goes through, it would be the first time that any separatist leader from the Valley has gone to China.

Earlier Farooq had called for a joint contact group on Kashmir between India, China, and Pakistan.

China's invitation to Mirwaiz comes when relations between China and India are strained following Beijing's criticism of the Dalai Lama's visit to Tawang..

Moreover, the recent US-China statement on India-Pakistan relations prompted India to say that there was no third-party role in bilateral relations with Pakistan.


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