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瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院Didier Sornette称,他们已经从上海股市指数反常的增长中发现了警告信号,指出此轮泡沫的破灭日期将发生在7月17日到27日之间。遗憾的是他没有给出具体的理由。希望引起读者的警惕。






这是一个大胆的举动。让我们细细看来。这一预测背后的理论家是位于苏黎世的瑞士联邦理工学院Didier Sornette。他是研究市场泡沫的先驱者。去年,他用自己探查泡沫的方法,发现了石油价格下跌的危险。



这种增长是否是由不可持续的正反馈机制造成的,目前还不清楚。 Sornette与合作者暗示,中国政府的旨在保持其经济增长率8%而大规模贷款的热潮是主要原因。而中国保持这样的增长已有多年了。








编号: arxiv.org/abs/0907.1827 :在中国股市泡沫:准备爆破

[顶楼] 引用 Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Econophysicist Predicts Date of Chinese Stock Market Collapse

The Shanghai Composite Index will burst between July 17 and 27, according to a new econophysics forecast.

The boom and bust nature of economics is one of the most puzzling aspects of the modern world. In the last year or so, many people have learned to their cost that when bubbles burst, businesses, jobs, and livelihoods can go with them.

So an obvious question arises: can we spot bubbles when they occur and predict when they are about to burst? One group of theorists say that they can and have used their techniques to make an extraordinary prediction.

First, they say that they've found the telltale signs of a bubble in the growth rate of the Shanghai Composite stock-market index. And second, they say that this bubble will burst between July 17 and 27.

That's a brave move, so let's look at it in more detail. The theorist behind this prediction is Didier Sornette at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in Zurich, who has pioneered the study of market bubbles. Last year, he used his method for spotting bubbles to reveal that oil prices where dangerously inflated.

The telltale sign of a bubble, he says, is a faster than exponential growth rate caused by a positive feedback mechanism that generates this nonlinear growth.

The faster than exponential growth rate is relatively easy to spot. According to the analysis done by Sornette and a few mates, the Shanghai Composite Index certainly seems to have had a faster than exponential growth--a 69 percent rise since October of last year.

Whether an unsustainable positive feedback mechanism is causing this growth isn't so clear. Sornette and co suggest that what is responsible is the Chinese government's massive lending spree designed to maintain its economic growth rate at 8 percent a year. China has maintained that kind of growth for some years now.

Let's take at face value the idea that a bubble has formed. What of the prediction that it is about to burst? Just how this team arrives at such a precise date isn't clear, but whatever the mechanism, this is a much more speculative move.

One thing that physicists have learned about complex systems, such as stock markets, earthquakes, and forest fires, to name just a few, is that when changes occur they are scale invariant.

That means that if you were to remove the numbers from the axes of a graph plotting this behavior, there is no way that you could identify the scale of the events by looking at the plot. This implies that there is really no difference in principle between a small change in the stock market today and catastrophic change tomorrow.

That makes predictions of almost anything, let alone the imminent collapse of a bubble, extremely hard to make. Impossible may not be too strong a word for it.

Sornette and co do not say how they make their prediction, but they do hedge it by saying, "This will lead to a change in regime which may be a crash or a more gentle bubble deflation."

But they're still predicting an end to this faster than exponential growth in the Shanghai Composite Index between July 17 and 27. That change in growth will of course happen one day, but you'd have to have very good reasons to say that it will occur between those two dates. Those reasons are missing from this paper.

I say that this is a prediction that is impossible to make. And I'm prepared to bet Sornette that he's wrong. The stakes? Let's say an arXiv blog baseball cap and T-shirt.

Ref: arxiv.org/abs/0907.1827: The Chinese Equity Bubble: Ready to Burst



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