
主题:【原创】土豆与牛肉 -- 晨枫

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further note


--Han Dynasty is the private property of the Liu family and the leadership is passed over through bloodline, stupid. American elite-based democracy(actually it is a Republic faked as a democracy) has many people's interests at stake. Huge difference. Leadership is transferred through some more civilized internal competition (yes, INTERNAL competition faked as a national election)

Ever since Rome converted into a dictatorship under the Julia family, its internal stamina evapored immediately. When Rome was still a republic, even the genocide threat from Hannibal of Carthage could not kill that nation. It was Scipio, a young 20ish kid that stood out and revived the republic and defeated Hannibal.

The American elites know that they all have stakes in this American Empire world order. You kicked out Bush, then you have another smart kid Obama. After Obama, there will be other candidates. New England WASPs/elite private universities are the source of this talent pool.

BTW, I believe Obama is a bad choice. The next FDR that will rescue America would descend after a 10-year turmoil.


--Agree. It is a historical lesson learned from the early 1930s. But I need to remind you one historical principle: what human beings learn from the history is that they do not learn from the history. That's why history repeats.

Politicians maximized their personal gains under various constraints. Votes are what they care, not international reputation. Under extreme situation, the fallback of globalization is not abnormal, but the most optimal solution. You can google "prisoner's dilemma" to understand the lose-lose outcome.

Globalization reached its peak actually in 1913. What we saw today is the repetition of the 1850-1913. The only difference is that the central stage has been shifted from Europe-America to America-Asia.



--are you sure? I think we lived under gold standard in late 1920s...Free credit to pay for international trade? Balance of trade was actually settled with gold.


--no. WWII is driven by both stock market crash and French stupidity. American gov. pushed for the repayment of war debt, thus pressured Britain, France and finally crashed Germany. Please check Michael Hudson's book. I think his books are truly authorative on this topic.


--Yes, America is 无赖. 美元就像废纸--It does not matter. 40% USD is circulating outside America. So long as there is no runaway inflation inside USA, American politicians are not going to give a s** about what happened outside America--because Europeans/Asians are not American citizens and they have no votes.

Old 美元就像废纸一样不值钱。But US gov. can reprint new dollars for domestic payment and then default on international obligations. No creditors can force complete repayment because no creditors have the military strength to enforce creditor rights--that's what will happen under extreme situation. Chinese people's "old-friend", the extreme anti-communist president, Richard Nixon, was the person who shut off the dollar-gold door--a serious breach of global obligation. Why Chinese people have such AN AMUSING SHORT MEMORY...

Actually today's US-Treasury-Note-based Brettonwood II system is already a Ponzi scheme. When America owed too much foreign debt, it resorted to inflation to get rid of some burden--a 10-year process and then USD came back again as a strong currency. It did that against Europe-Mid-east(early 70s), Japan (early 1980s), Taiwan(early 1980s). So you should already figured out what will be the next...


--yes, DEMOCRATIC for its citizens. Liu Mang for foreigners. That's true ever since the Roman Republic. It was there, for 2000 years, in the history book. You just need to read it. China is the opposite, that's why most people feel so pissed off at the Roman way...


--As I said about the Roman Empire, domestic practice and foreign policy can be totally different. CIA had been prohibited against American citizens--that's confirmed again and again in the US history. But it has total freedom outside US soil.

quoted, 我还有一个观点:美国在国内推行的d-e-m-o-cracy制度,和它在国际上推行的霸权主义,是可以并行不悖的。这样讲是针对两种观点。一种观点认为,你看美国在国际上那么霸道,在国际上不讲d-e-m-o-cracy,完全是在推行强权主义。它只许州官放火、不许百姓点灯,它为了自己的战略利益可以牺牲别的国家的利益而在所不惜,而且奉行的标准也不一样。它不是讲要支持d-e-m-o-cracy吗,但在有需要的时候,可以牺牲d-e-m-o-cracy而与专---制政权合作。于是据此认为,美国在国内推行的也是假d-e-m-o-cracy。这种看法源自"外交是内政的延续"这样一种教条。




作者资中筠 中国社会科学院前美国研究所所长--truly understand the Western world.


--Yes. That's why it is called G2. Both nations need each other. China reached its current peak with the help of US-dominated order. Without America and WTO, European/British commonwealth markets would never have been open to Chinese manufacturers at all.


--I am amused that Chinese elites just start to read the history. 输入型通货膨胀 happened again and again in the last 40 years. I am surprised at your surprise. First, it happened to Germany/France (1970s), then Japan and Taiwan(1980s). Taiwan's stock market boom and bust were partially driven by the trade surplus-induced credit explosion.

精英领导的中国政府为了避免美国佬的直接打击,不得不接受它的武装讹诈。这就是中国人目前享受的"old Liu Mang"维系的和平,并为此付费。但是谁都明白这是谁造成的,尽管这其中少不了Chinese 精英们附加的盘剥。

--Today's G2 are ruled by elites of both China and US. Quoted from blah blah,


因为未来几十年中国根本不会跟任何国家发生战争. 为什么不会打仗?因为中国还不能在这段时间内对本来世界秩序形成真正的威胁,最主要的呢,就是美国的capitalists会跟中国ones 加强联盟,一起剥--削两国的中下阶层,两国利--益集团的利--益重叠度很高,发生分赃不均的战争机会很低。

If I were you, I would worry more about whether I end up as the 狮子 or 被吃的动物。Many Chinese lions have already settled down for their kids/2nd (or maybe Nth) wife in California/NJ/NY. They and you are not on the same boat...

Friend, time to wake up.


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