
主题:贴,贴, -- 虽远必诛

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3. Current Controlled Trials ( http:/ / www.controlledtrials.


4. Chinese Clinical Trial Register ( http:/ /


5. Australian Clinical Trial Registry ( http:/ /

www.actr.org.au/); and

6. WHO ICTRP search portal ( http:/ / www.who.int/


Data collection and analysis

Selection of studies

Six review authors (WT, ZX, ZJ, XLX, QY, LG) performed the

searches and retrieved articles. The same review authors selected

the trials to be included in the study and no disagreements were

recorded.We retrieved the selected trials which claimed to be randomised.

We then confirmed that they were correctly randomised

by telephoning the original trial authors.

Data extraction and management

Two review authors (WT, LG) independently extracted data using

a piloted data extraction form.We extracted data on study characteristics

including methods, participants, interventions and outcomes.

There were no disagreements. The formulation contents of

included studies and herb names in three languages are described

in Table 1 and Table 2.

Table 1. Contents of the formulations used in the included studies

Study ID Contents Method of administration

Chang 2002 Did not provide any information about the contents of interventions

including Shanhanjiere Koufuye and Biaoshi

Ganmao Chongji

Each ml solution contained 2 g of raw drug material.

Each ampoule contained 4 ml. One ampoule for children

younger than 4 years of age was administered by the rectal

route; and 2 ampoules were administered for children

older than 4 years of age, 3 times a day.

Chang 2005 Jinlianhua, Daqinye, Shenshigao, Zhimu, Shendi, Xuanshen,


Oral administration

Chang 2007 Gegen Qingre granule: Chaihu, Gegen, Huangqin,

Mahuang, Shigao, Xingren, Gancao

Oral water dilution

Chen 2004 Gegen, Huangqin, Huanglian, Zhigancao Oral administration

Chinese medicinal herbs for the common cold (Review) 5

Copyright 2009 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

Table 1. Contents of the formulations used in the included studies (Continued)

Li 1998c Qinwinkeli: the author mentioned that Qinwinkeli consisted

of 5 herbs, but just listed 2 in the paper: Shigao,


Oral water dilution

Li 1999b Qinkailing injection: Niuhuang, Shuiniujiao, Zhenzhumu,

Huangqin, Zhizi, Jinyinghua, Banlangen 10 ml

contains 50 mg baicalin

Intravenous injection

Liu 2002 Kangbingdupian: Banlangen, Lianqiao, Shigao, Shendi,

Guanghuoxiang, Yujin, Shichangpu

Oral administration

Ma 2000b Shuanhua aerosol: Yejuhua, Jinyinghua, Yuxingchao,

Chaihu, Boheyou

Mei 2003 Yujin injection: water extraction of Yuxingcao, Jinyinghua Intravenous injection

Pan 2000 Xiaoer RiganlingKoufuye:Gegen,Taurine (Taurine is not

a herb)

Oral administration

Song 2004a TCM cream Xiaoer Tuiresan: Mahuan 100 g, Jinyinhua

200 g, Shandougen 100 g, Xixin 10 g, Bohe 100 g, Bingpian

80 g, Gancao 60 g, grind themto be very fine powder

and mix them. Take 3 to 10 g preparation with the correct

amount of vinegar tomake a creamand smear on a plastic


Apply to the skin

Wang 1998 Jianerqinjieye: Jinyinhua, Hangjuhua, Lianqiao, Kuxinren,

Shanzha, Chenpi

Oral administration

Wang 2004 Sufeng Ganmao Koufuye: Zisuye, Qianghuo, Jinjie,

Guanghexiang, Fangfeng, Qianhu, Fuping, Fulinpi

Oral administration

Wang 2008a Yiqing Shuangjie capsule and tablet: Huangqin, Chaihu,

Rengong Niuhuang

Oral administration

Yang 2000 Huanghu Bag Tea: Huangqin, Lianqiao, Huzhang,

Shanzhima, Jinyinhua, Qinhao, Chaihu

Oral administration

Yu 1997 Chaiqin Qingre enema lavage solution: Chaihu,

Huangqin, Xixin

Oral administration

Zhang 2001 Rebining: no other information was provided

Zhang 2008 Qingyin injection: Huangqin, Yinhua Intravenous injection

Chinese medicinal herbs for the common cold (Review) 6

Copyright 2009 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

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      • 🙂11 虽远必诛 字8161 2009-12-19 14:06:33

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      • 🙂7 虽远必诛 字4311 2009-12-19 14:05:12

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      • 🙂竟然只能贴2 页,看来要贴50 次了 虽远必诛 字0 2009-12-19 14:03:08

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