
主题:贴,贴, -- 虽远必诛

  • 共: 💬 21 🌺 5

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Sun 2003b {published data only}

Sun DH, Wang XY. Yuxin grass injection pulverization in-breath in

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Tang 2000 {published data only}

Tang L. Effective observation on Eshu oil and glucose injection in

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Tang WH,Wang HT. Effective observation on Yuxin grass injection

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Copyright 2009 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Wang 2003b {published data only}

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Wang MY, He CH, Li X. Effective observation on Yuxin grass injection

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Wang 2004d {published data only}

Wang FZ. Observation of effect of Qingkailing pulverization inbreath

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Wang 2007a {published data only}

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Wang 2007b {published data only}

Wang HF. Effective observation on Pudilan Xiaoyan tablets in treating

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Wang 2007c {published data only}

Wang XY, Xin JS. Qingkailing capsule in treating 60 cases with acute

upper respiratory tract infection. Shan Xi Zhong Yi [Shanxi Journal

of Traditional Chinese Medicine] 2007;28(8):941–2.

Wang 2007d {published data only}

Wang W. Effective observation on Reduning injection in treating

children with upper respiratory tract infection. Zhong Guo Xian Dai

Yi Sheng [China


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