
主题:【原创】(零)经济物理学原理 -- 唵啊吽

  • 共: 💬 337 🌺 725



[22] Another finding is that reducing the land use emissions

by a scalar causes total emissions to be more consistent

with a model of a constant airborne fraction. It is

difficult to rate this as a strong indication that land use

emissions are systematically overestimated, as it depends on

the validity of the statistical model. The possibility, however,

presents itself and, given the evidence from oxygen

data [Bopp et al., 2002], would mean that a larger proportion

of emissions is taken up by the ocean than what has

been previously assumed. The analysis also shows that

recent trends after 2000 can be explained by re-scaling land

use emissions within their uncertainty ranges.


Echinoderms Contribute to Global Carbon Sink; Impact of Marine Creatures Underestimated

Global contribution of echinoderms to the marine carbon cycle: a re-assessment of the oceanic CaCO3 budget and the benthic compartment


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