
主题:【文摘】北美独立战争: 美国人编出来的神话 -- 李根

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That's China's problem, not America's problem. You should blame your compatriots, not Americans. They do not ask you to distort and misreport their history.

俺要反的,是这种“无脑跟顶”式的对美国的盲目崇拜,甚至不惜故意篡改史料来欺骗未成年人和成年人的行为。i see, it is actually a CIVIL WAR of words. ^-^

BTW, I do not worship America. When I read American history, I read only books written in English. I know Chinese textbooks have the naive problem as you mentioned. Actually, we often joked in the past that People's Daily has only the publication date that's trustworthy.

People got poisoned because there is uniformed textbook in China's educational system. The textbooks are reviewed and approved by China's gov. You should blame your own educational system back there.

If you allow different school districts to decide which textbook they want to use and leave the textbook decision in the hands of local people, you will not have this problem because people will be aware of different texts, different views or perspectives, and there will be competition in the book market.

I saw such practice in both high schools as well as universities. Even in business school education, different schools can teach different or even contradictory perspectives/theory. I know this because I am in this system. There is constant competition, therefore, there is NO "orthodox" textbook.

As to my judgment of Mao, I keep mine, you keep yours. Let's agree to disagree. I do not want to debate further. The fact is that more Chinese immigrated to America than Americans immigrated to China. Benefit of freedom is not visible or tangible, you only feel it when you live in it.

I do not care about lip service. Where people put their ass usually indicate where they truly prefer after careful consideration. People are rational in maximizing self-interests, though lip service often gives others the opposite impression.

As to whether G.W. can put himself as the emperor. The fact was that his army was underpaid and his officers stormed into the Congress building, almost put the Congress under military control if G.W. did not block them. 2000 years ago, Caesar intentionally used underpaid soldiers and their anger against senate to wipe out Roman Republic. He succeeded. I do not think G.W. could not do the same thing if he wanted. Anyway Napoleon chose Caesar's path and he was adored by Frenchmen even today. Of course, G.W. would have killed many smart competiting politicians and his gov. could only be a dictatorship. While, throughout the world, that was normal at that time. America might have descended into Haiti V2. Anyway, 枪杆子里面出政权, as to tax revenue, you can use gun to collect just as people do in Africa. KMT gov. did similar things before 1949.

当了总司令乃至总统以后,连军饷也没有着落,这种情况下想当皇帝,下场真的是要惨过袁大头。亲王写过一篇搞笑文,深挖花生炖从来就没有过当皇帝的想法的原因,不会没看过吧。Again, it is a personal judgment, you believe it will not happen in America, while, I believe it could. I read serious English studies in States. I guess American historians knew better than Chinese forum posters.

Again, I want to emphasize a common sense: cultural revolution was initiated and planned by Mao. I never question his other achievements, but if he could have transferred power more peacefully to other competent successors and help China established a civilized power transfer system, he would have been a perfect statesman adored by many generations.

Unfortunately, he took another path. That's his choice as well as his limitation.

As to 不信你到某些论坛上,骂毛的文章悍牛冲洞. That's cyberspace which is so difficult to filter and control. You have not read 骂毛的文章published in serious paper print or in any mainstream media back in China. That's indicative of the TRUE level of media freedom.

I want to reminded you that the following RECENT top Chinese leaders did not have a peaceful ending in their career/life: Hu Yaobang, Zhao Zhiyang. Political uncertainty is still a big risk in China, admit it or not.

As to 对美国的盲目崇拜, I quoted one artcile from Blah blah.



再上一个层次,就是住过美国一段时间,接触过美国傻瓜的人,以海龟为多。因为以前中国人神化了外国,总认为外国人就是有道德,有智商(some authors attacked by you are at this level; laughing stock for me too),在这里生活了一段时间就知道蠢蛋坏人处处有,发展中国家的集中率比较高而已。这开始脱离表面的硬件崇拜,开始了软件比较。

再往上就是生活工作了一段时间,开始全方位地了解美国,从盲目崇拜到崇拜破灭到重新欣赏,到真正懂得美国为什么强大而难以复制,从简单的硬件软件比较到了解整个国家崛起的背景历史渊源,从而知道她真正的力量,所以即使认为美国好,不是崇拜这个国家,而是崇拜形成这个国家的自然力量。I am at this stage.

As to 这种缺心眼或者坏心眼的人文方面教科书 authors, they are my laughing stock long time ago, since I had direct access to English books.

In sum, language skill is the power. It enlightens one ahead of many peers. 北美独立战争: 美国人编出来的神话--actually, this article is a Chinese CIVIL FIGHT. Unfortunately, Americans were used as a Chinese CIVIL FIGHT weapon.

(When I studied French history, I also spent time learning French. Through the French perspective and texts, I find better understanding of their history than through the English text. I recommend this approach to everyone on this forum. Learning a foreign language could be great fun and is not so difficult at all. AT LEAST SUCH SKILL GIVES YOU THE CAPABILITY TO DE-BRAINWASH WHAT WAS BRAINWASHED INTO YOUR MIND BY THE CHINESE EDUCATION).


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