
主题:Glenn Beck在Fox新闻关于毛泽东的一段视频 -- 冰弹

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Thanks for

pointing this out to me. My previous googled result from Yahoo Answer is wrong.

BTW, according to wiki--this quote was first uttered by mid-nineteenth century historian and statesman Franois Guizot

If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.

* According to research by Mark T. Shirey, citing Nice Guys Finish Seventh: False Phrases, Spurious Sayings, and Familiar Misquotations by Ralph Keyes, 1992, this quote was first uttered by mid-nineteenth century historian and statesman Franois Guizot when he observed, Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head. This quote has been attributed variously to George Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Disraeli, Otto von Bismarck, and others.

* Furthermore, the Churchill Centre, on its Falsely Attributed Quotations page, states "there is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this."


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