
主题:【原创】飞天鸭看人类文明史:原始社会好(中) -- 酥油茶

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有趣, 你定义的爱情和水风维持社会关系的性行为居然有分别

爱情当然不是追求性高潮也不是性饥渴. 但要完全独立成只有人类才有的社会行为, 比如脑部对特定异性对象的着瘾反应. 恐怕要把黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩绑到脑MRI扫描仪上, 然后让它们看同类异性的性感图片才能知道.雄黑猩猩对不在发情期的雌黑猩猩一般没有什么兴趣. 在发情期的还会出现雄黑猩猩排队等着交配而不是像别的动物先打一架的情景.

Mating occurs throughout the year and there is no evidence of a birth season, female chimpanzees do exhibit seasonality in the number of estrous females within a group (Wallis 1995; Boesch &Boesch-Achermann 2000; Wallis 2002). The number of estrous females is positively related to food abundance; because of the energetic requirements of ovulation and mating, female chimpanzees are more likely to come into estrus during times when food is readily available (Anderson et al. 2006). The majority of chimpanzee reproductive behavior is promiscuous, with females mating with multiple males opportunistically during estrus, though the majority of copulation occurs during the 10-day period of maximal tumescence (Goodall 1986). There are other types of reproductive strategies that are recognized as well. Restrictive mating, where the dominant male restricts other males from mating with estrous females in the community, consortship mating, where an adult pair leave the community for several days to weeks, and extra-group mating, where females leave their communities and mate furtively with males from nearby communities (Goodall 1986; Gagneux et al. 1999). Chimpanzee social and mating groups do not always overlap, given the variety of reproductive situations. This may have evolved because females have limited choice in mates after committing to a community, and the dominance hierarchy of males often dictates which males an estrous female will mate with. By having multiple strategies, females can expand the pool of males from which they choose while not losing the important support of the males in their communities (Gagneux et al. 1999). Having multiple strategies also maximizes the chances of males' reproductive success; they are able to vary, throughout their lives, their mating strategies with depending on their position in the dominance hierarchy.

其实你和水风也争不出什么来, 人就是人, 性行为更像倭黑猩猩还是更像别的什么没有什么绝对标准.本来就都是对环境的适应, 人不需要去适应倭黑猩猩和黑猩猩的环境. 倭黑猩猩对性的依赖其实是因为它们需要维持更大的群落成员数量造成的, 实际上已经进了进化的死胡同.


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