
主题:【原创】新德里英联邦运动会喜剧系列(1):床塌了和封口令 -- daharry

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1 福克兰群岛队员因疑似登革热住院

2 在解决了比赛快开始跑道还在修的尴尬后,赛会的组织者又要处理巴士司机在周三罢工的问题。




3 澳大利亚《时代报》:

WITH plans surely under way for post-Games production of an At Home With The Kalmadis reality TV series, 受到围攻的卡尔马迪卷入了另一场他赢不了的战斗——这次的对手是英国的划艇传奇运动员Matthew Pinsent.

在卡尔马迪以惯常的狡诈和乐观主义态度曲解可怜的观众人数问题时,四块奥运金牌得主Pinsent大声反驳. Pinsent说当周二本土运动员宾得拉为印度赢得第一块金牌时,他也在场。只有30个的观众数量使比赛蒙上了阴影。 宾得拉算得上是民族英雄,卡尔马迪有何评论?


Pinsent反驳说: ''先生,我可以把照片给你看。如果你愿意的话我们可以一起数数。

卡尔马迪: ''如果你指的是观众,我不知道···。但我可以告诉你有几百个人。''

Pinsent: ''我们搞搞清楚 - 是拿着票的人?

卡尔马迪: ''我不能给你提供更多细节了''

Pinsent: ''真遗憾.''

The last word in the stoush went to Mike Hooper, the New Zealander who is CEO of the Commonwealth ''Don't hold your breath.''

Double act

AUSTRALIAN Paralympic swimmer Annabelle Williams has landed a part in the next Mad Max film, Mad Max, Fury Road, in the unlikely role of double for Charlize Theron.

Williams, who won silver in the S9 women's 50-metres freestyle on Tuesday night, has part of her left arm missing, and so it happens that the Theron character, too, will be sans part of her arm in this fourth part of George Miller's Mad Max series.

Williams noted that she was Theron's ''stunt double'', rather than a body double.

Williams, based in Queensland said filming ''apparently'' was meant to start in January. ''They've pushed it back a few times.'' She agreed that Delhi was a good preparation for Mad Max. ''Yes, it is. No, very good preparations. Slightly different settings. Dusty.''


来自德里警察总署的匿名消息来源告诉《时代报》:安全人员不应该依靠the flap barriers,因为它们坏了, 那些人应该在安检后允许进入。

One female member of the travelling media noted this could be good news for her male colleagues, who seemed to be finding the routine of spreading arms and legs while being ''patted down'' anything but an intrusion. ''I'm already getting tired of hearing blokes comparing just how thoroughly they've been searched,'' she said. ''Clearly they don't get this sort of attention at home.''




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