
主题:【原创】四代的意义 -- 晨枫

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J20等突破对美国的震动,Glenn Beck大盘点



"China leads Asia-wide acceleration in manufacturing."

"Oil prices rise as U.S. supply declines."

"China overtakes U.S. as biggest energy consumer." China is pushing up cost of gas production in the U.S.

"Two-point-four million U.S. jobs lost in China."

"Shanghai, now the world's busiest container port."

"China now has world's fastest super computer."

"China military making quick advances."

"China has a new stealth fighter waiting in the wings." I hope it works as well as these.


BECK: "U.S. sounds alarm at China's military build-up."

"And Chinese mothers are superior." (Amy Chua)

Those are the headlines from the last couple of weeks. And I said to my -- I said to my staff, I said, nobody puts these together. Nobody on television realizes and they're not putting it together. So, the American people are not seeing the big picture. And then I realize, I have a TV show and I should do that.


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