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Missile shipment confirmed aboard detained vessel

Missile shipment confirmed aboard detained vessel

published yesterday Dec 20 08:21 PM, updated today Dec 21 05:18 PM

The M/S Thor Liberty

Image: YLE Kymenlaakso

A British cargo vessel detained at Kotka harbour has been found to be carrying a shipment of American-made Patriot missiles. According to information received by YLE, the missile shipment originated in Germany and is destined for South Korea. Onboard the ship are 69 of the missiles with their explosive warheads and propelling charges.

The National Bureau of Investigation confirmed Wednesday afternoon that the missiles are on-board the ship.

Officials stopped the M/S Thor Liberty last week as its cargo of explosives had been stored incorrectly. The ship is carrying 160 tonnes of the explosive nitroguanidine. The material is in 25 kg packages. Because of the characteristics of nitroguanidine, the material should be carried in shipping containers.

In the course in inspection, it was aslo found that the cargo included a shipment of military missiles.

An investigation was launched and it was determined that while not contraband, the proper transit permits for the shipment are inadequate or missing.

The incident is now being handled by Finnish Customs as a possible violation of laws regulating the imports of military materials. Customs has requested the Defense Forces for assistance in impounding the missiles until their origin and destination can be confirmed.




据芬兰国家调查局介绍,上述船只悬挂的是英国国旗,名为M/S Thor Liberty,于12月15日从德国北部驶出,之后停靠在芬兰的一个港口装载货物。




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