
主题:2012 大选周记 之一 -- 切地雷

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when one is young, one tends

to love Democrats; when one grows old, you realize that some fundamental beliefs/principle from the Republican camp(I am not saying Republicans, because I equally do not like some red-neck ignorant Republicans), such as self-discipline, individual responsibility, and family values do make sense.

You need to fight for law and order, not just for Chinese Americans. Here, you are self-contradictory: you are fighting against those lawless African Americans, but they are the main source of votes for Obama, and more generous welfare expenditure, large enough to bankrupt US down the road, is what they want. I am not sure whether it is gonna sustainable fiscally at all.

Personally, I am very grateful to some earlier civil right Black leaders. Without them, there would be no today's America. But some of those leaders got killed and some got corrupted by power. In the end, the African Americans never transformed themselves into a very constructive social force in the U.S.

How well democracy works depends on how civic the constituents are. That's why today's Greeks only deserves a chaotic and bankrupt government.

To be frank, if USD loses its global reserve currency, the nation could easily fall back into a 2nd-tier regional power with lots of social turmoil in the end. I am afraid that we will just see another 2015 crisis down the road, just as Ji Di Wan Tian has predicted.

I have been critical of bankers for a while on this forum, but you need to be constructive in reform: in the end, if you guys want to kill all the bankers & business leaders, what you get will a lose-lose result, a bankrupt nation with negative growth stuck with millions of welfare eaters.


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