
主题:【原创】南亚一瞥:印度斯里兰卡游记 (1/4) -- 顾剑

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From wikipedia

Most contemporary anthropologists classify Indians as belonging to one of four major ethno-racial groups, which often overlap with each other because of a continuous process of racial admixture: Caucasoids, Australoids, Mongoloids and Negritos. The Caucasoids are largely confined to the north and generally speak Indo-Aryan languages; Australoids are found in the south and generally speak Dravidian languages; Mongoloids are largely confined to the Northeastern region of the country and for the most part, speak Tibeto-Burman languages; and Negritos are found on the Andaman Islands located on the southeastern side of the country. These speak a group of languages known as Andamanese and Ongan languages, linguistic isolates not related to any known languages. And finally, Austro-Asiatic languages are spoken by only tribals or Adivasis, who can be of either Australoid or Mongoloid racial stock.[10]

Caucasoids可能还算是高加索后裔,那其他(Australoids, Mongoloids and Negritos.)的都和无论广义和狭义定义白人都没有关系,从我接触到的印度人来说,后三种的比例也要远高于第一种。




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