
主题:亚洲第二次金融危机将展开 -- parishg

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why do not you check data?

haha. Nobody is God. Conclusion is drawn upon hard data.

A depletion of foreign currency reserve and a big plunge in local stock market are good enough for a financial crisis. 不要照搬照抄别人的结论,理解对方的逻辑论证是关键。 I am just giving free advice here. You can search data and read by yourself.

Have you thought about why they sent a globally prestigious finance professor back to India to be the central bank governor? That Rajan was the only guy who correctly predicted the American credit crisis IN as EARLY AS 2005.

btw, I am not saying a political crisis is forthcoming in India. Economy-induced political collapse usually happen in countries under dictatorship. Given India's funny "liberal democratic" system, its politicians can always manage to pretend that it is one of the greatest nations on the earth, and stick through for another one happy month or year.


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