
主题:转基因玉米导致养猪场猪绝育 -- 唵啊吽

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An article by Drs. Pusztai and Bardocz states: “Pryme & Lembcke (2003) reported a rather curious aspect of the results of health risk assessment studies using laboratory animals. It appeared that most independently funded research scientists who performed animal testing of GM crops reported some potential health problems, while the results of the studies sponsored by the industry indicated none. Further reviews confirmed the scarcity of GM risk assessment research, particularly research carried out independently of the biotechnology industry [...].”



Implicated in Animal Reproductive Failure - Laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of this organism in a wide variety of livestock that have experienced spontaneous abortions and infertility. Preliminary results from ongoing research have also been able to reproduce abortions in a clinical setting.

The pathogen may explain the escalating frequency of infertility and spontaneous abortions over the past few years in US cattle, dairy, swine, and horse operations. These include recent reports of infertility rates in dairy heifers of over 20%, and spontaneous abortions in cattle as high as 45%.

For example, 450 of 1,000 pregnant heifers fed wheatlege experienced spontaneous abortions. Over the same period, another 1,000 heifers from the same herd that were raised on hay had no abortions. High concentrations of the pathogen were confirmed on the wheatlege, which likely had been under weed management using glyphosate.



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