
主题:和平与战争 -- 唵啊吽

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刘亚洲: 当今的世界格局


I did a post like the following not long ago.



as "一个业余历史和国际关系的爱好者", I kind of like his piece.


now, from TG's point of view (as I understand it)

2014年7月3日 - in that sense, 刘亚洲 may have missed that bigger picture of uncle sam "亡我之心不死", and it is getting worse now, not better, for TG or TGchina.


as I posted before, social science is hard, for lack of logic, and to some extent, we are all 先验论 based social scientists, with our brain and ass (personal interests etc) all mixed together, often heavily "biased/confused"


the challenge of social science modeling

in physics, we already have a non-linear /non-叠加 type "强相互作用" challenge, where we have interaction or coupling issue, meaning you often have strong or full interaction between/among "degree of freedoms", then largely, modeling game as we know now is over.

prof. 杨振宁's gauge field theory tries to handle that challenge.

gauge field theory is a 流形 mdoel mathematically.


in bio science (your field?), bio system such as human being, often we jump or escalate into a full interaction of "强相互作用" phase/mode for our survival and growth, it is biological.

for example:

if Person A perceives person B in a "亡我(B 亡 A 之心不死")" mode , then it is not "logic" issue any more, A will do whatever possible to beat/亡 B.

in that sense, there is no 正义之战.


there is 正义之战 when you have other wolves (person c, d, e, etc) standing by and looking for a profitable opportunity to join the 战/相变 game:

正义 (or "global heatbath equilibrium" ) as defined by market maker Uncle Sam and his friends, supporters etc, for now.


TG: how long it can stay short the whole world?

as written before, TG's model is basically a shorting the whole world model, economically, politically and ideologically, post 1949, for all kinds of reasons.

basically, TG's "china model" is like a huge 梯度 inside the global system, unless TG makes it to be the boss/sysadmin of the system, there will be always a risk of TG's getting eaten alive by system's 熱力學自由能, system's 梯度越大,系统储存/compressed 自由能越多, and system has to "relax" back to equilibrium state by release of those compressed 自由能, eliminating 梯度. period.

in that sense, Tg's "china model" itself=a huge short position against the whole world, basically.

again, in physics, there is no "right or wrong", but there is a global heatbath "equilibrium/ 温度", if TG can define and manage that "equilibrium /温度" as a market maker, TG is "right".

for now, Uncle Sam is "right", TG is kind of "gray".


following that "line of logic"

TG=变色龙, 我们走在资本主义测地线上 新 晓兵 字

河友 "汉密尔顿ABC ": 挑逗资产斗资产 新 晓兵 字2364 2014-09-13 21:43:01

卖地不是出路,是以M2的膨胀做基础的 花1 新 PBS 字201 2014-09-13 21:49:45

TG:try to globalize "M2的膨胀" 新 晓兵 字755 2014-09-13 22:00:38

with 私有化, 市场化: globalize M2 新 晓兵


uncle sam's point of view and game plan (my speculation or guess):

you TG fxxker, you want to unwind your shorting me position without paying me back the dollars you steal (or whatever) from my office when I was busy handling "911" crisis?

no way, you got to pay back, no "easy exit" out for you communist 黄祸 assholes.

but, Obama is near the end of his term, we will see how Clinton couples "challenge" Tgchina.


how X is going to handle all these challenges? I don't know.

the "easiest" way out, as always, is buy your way out, and to do that=私有化, 市场化, to be normalized with Uncle Sam's global heatbath equilibrium 温度, play TG's 统一战线 game.

or more risker alternative: X thinks tg's "china model" still has a lot of upside in terms of making a lot of more money, and with that money, he buys Europe and other friends, 反包围 uncle sam, etc.


私有化, 市场化: X may have to just "swallow" that damned thing, regardless of how he handles Uncle Sam.

facing Uncle Sam's 包围 of tgchina, Chinese elite has been globally hedging and allocating their financial wealth of "world elite class level", they have been the smartest among the Chinese society.

partially because of that, X has to 私有化 some of Tg's 党产国产, to 统一战线 those Chinese elite and basically buy their support, or X and his red gen II will be "home alone", possibly 重上井冈山, the worst case.

and obviously, knowing that uncle sam is market maker of today's world, Chinese elite has been working behind the scene with US wall street关系, in their global financial asset allocation.

in that sense, X's 私有化 some of Tg's 党产国产 is in a way also feeding uncle sam's wall street wolves, more of indirectly now.

but, wolves are always wolves, they are not easy to be satisfied.

now, Uncle Sam as a very experienced and a globally 身经百战 wolf, can money alone make Tg's 统一战线 game work out? even X wants to 统一战线 uncle sam. etc.

that is an another challenge to X.

in the end, I guess Tg's 统一战线 game will likely work out: money talks


耦合, coupling or full interaction of "degree of freedom"

the domestic challenge: how long X can stay shorting Chinese farmers? or how much more money he can squeeze out of Chinese farmers?

耦合, coupling or full interaction: all bad things tend to happened together, omg!(:)

and in a way, X's 私有化 some of Tg's 党产国产=squeeze those 软柿子, as "hullo" said, X may have not figured out how to short more Chinese farmers and how to push 城镇化 money making machine further.


if the above "line of logic " in terms of money or energy analysis holds, Tgchina has likely topped out, and now it is transitioning into a 战略防御 phase.

having missed the the life time opportunity around y2k of 中华邦联 of TW and 新加坡, TGchina's 战略缓冲盘子 has not become any bigger than that of mainland china.

and possibly, Uncle Sam's "zero dark" team has been working on setting up some smokes and fires in 新疆, launching out their operations from Pakistan.

and for Pakistan: why not take Uncle Sam's money by helping fxxking TGchina from behind? Tgchina sold Pakistan out in early 1970s when Indian fxxked Pakistan into two pieces.

Information stays and moves around in a GR world, with "blackhole" included, 霍金辐射=出来混总是要还的

能量(信息)守恒, if we can model the system into some kind of closed system.


"full interaction的体系" , "Moravec的悖论": "强相互作用"


witten1:【原创】量子生物学 I

如果能在生命体中发现宏观量子效应,一定会很有趣 [ changshou ] 于:2013-01-01 00:27:09 复:3830452

我之所以分出两种量子生物学(后面狂想的量子场生物学不算),就是因为我脑中有两个非相对论量子多体问题研究的范式:化学 和 凝聚态物理(特别是那些展现宏观量子效应的东西)。 我感觉 现有生物学基本使用的是化学,所以如果有能超越化学的(比方说)宏观量子效应的东西出现 是很好的事。


另外 关于从量子力学基本原理薛定谔方程出发直接导出流体力学方程 现在已经可以做到了。比如Harvard的姚鸿泽教授在十来年前从薛定谔方程直接导出流体力学的Euler方程。最惊人的是, 他既不需要以分子运动论Boltzmann方程作跳板,也不需要先取半经典近似过渡到牛顿力学。 他因为这工作(和其他一些工作)获得了Poincare奖。很多物理学家可能都不知道 姚鸿泽这类数学物理学家近年来在这些方面取得的重要进展,因为这些人基本都在数学系任职 而且工作都是艰深的分析类纯数学。其实这些工作对一线物理学家可能也没有直接用处, 但对于证明现有体系的内部和谐性还是很重要的。




"在看完,并和同事讨论完,我们认为这个形式上是漂亮,可是没怎么用,因为本质上你还是得把配分函数弄出来才能得到一些启动那个微分方程的量,而这对于full interaction的体系,这个配分函数要是能有效算出来,这工作的难度和分量我想你是明白的--breakthrough。。。 

"Moravec的悖论": "强相互作用" - 西西河



2014年4月1日 - http://www.ccthere.com/alist/3808130/4 ... systems such as animals/human being has to handle strong interaction/full interaction in a unknown ...

---------quoted from internet-------


(2014-09-06 22:29:19) 下一个


8月30日我写了印度莫迪的主动出击 vs 远交近攻, 就意识到印度的不善和问题的严重,不过没有













席访巴,希望访问尽早成行,以促进中巴两国间的互利合作。” 拿中巴这类“兄弟”关系,都出事了



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