
主题:大墙国竟然没有人能懂的该如何做好一杯咖啡实在是大悲哀。 -- forger

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F兄的文章把咖啡原理大体上解释得清清楚楚,分析了从咖啡豆组成到水温度压力之物理化学的化工原理过程,一般消费者把这篇文章看三遍,收益不少。 F兄的这是对知识活学活用,点破了很多不同层次的纸。真乃我辈学人的典范。

老兄这篇文章明显对咖啡一窍不通,就是把大学教科书背了一遍,还真空和表面活化剂尼。 在下用过的二氧化碳超临界萃取更好。 还阿伦尼乌斯方程尼,不懂还装懂, 咖啡温度订在93度是白痴啊。自己不理解问题不在现有框架下解决问题,然后说教课书上还有A,B,C更好的解决方案。这是第一天进车间的大学生工程师最容易犯的毛病。


把教科书背的头头是到,只会套用 而不会活用知识在实践上的不懂装懂的工程师太多了,


发一篇比较著名的煮咖啡论文吧, F兄的文章已经非常接近了。



when hot water interacts with R&G coffee a number of phenomena occur (Lee et al., 1992 and Merritt and Proctor, 1958), firstly the highly soluble components dissolve in the water phase and are extracted, for example organic acids (Lentner & Deatherage, 1958), secondly less soluble or physically entrapped compounds (e.g. arabinogalactan) (Redgwell & Fischer, 2006) are forced out by physical mechanisms, thirdly the heat leads to thermal degradation making select components more soluble and therefore more available for extraction (e.g. galactomannan) and fourthly mobile water will physically lift and migrate coffee fines and emulsify coffee oil into suspension (Escher et al., 2000 and Eulitz et al., 1999); it is these components (coffee fines and coffee oil) that contain the cafestol and deliver them to the final brew.

The process of extraction (coffee brew preparation), although fundamentally simple for the consumer (mix then separate hot water and ground roasted coffee) is complicated to predict and requires a number of technical approaches to cover each of the four brew mechanisms tested (Oosterveld et al., 2003, Thaler, 1978 and Zanoni et al., 1992). In this study, cafestol is the compound of interest; cafestol is a lipophilic diterpene that generally resides within the oil phase of coffee and can thermally degrade to form other compounds (Kolling-Speer, Kurt, Thu, & Speer, 1997). The main driving force that needs to be considered when predicting the extraction of cafestol from R&G coffee to the brew is the process of oil emulsification and the removal of physical barriers that would prevent the migration of the emulsified oil (e.g. cell structures or long chain polysaccharide networks) into the brew. It is proposed, therefore, that both the brew mechanism and the physical structure of the coffee (Bell, Wetzel, & Grand, 1996) will impact cafestol brew yield.




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