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特朗普的竞选檄文《She Follows The Mon



On November 8th, we are going to win this state and we are going to win the White House.


It’s going to be a victory for YOU, the American people.


We are going to end the Clinton Corruption and restore dignity and honesty to government service.


Hillary Clinton is an insider who fights only for her donors and for herself.


I am an outsider fighting for you.


One of the first things we are going to do is restore law and order to this country. Our good friend, Sheriff Clarke, is here with us tonight.


New FBI statistics shows that homicide rose 15% last year in America’s large cities, and that it’s the largest single-year increase in 45 years.


More than 3,000 people have been shot in Chicago since January.


Homicides are up nearly 50% in Washington D.C. and more than 60% in Baltimore.


Across the entire nation, for cities of all sizes, small and large, the homicide rates rose by more than 10% last year.


This is a national crisis.


Yet, my opponent, Hillary Clinton, continues to attack the police. First, she calls our supporters – many of them cops, soldiers and firefighters – deplorable and irredeemable.


Then, in our debate this week, she accusses the entire country, including all of law enforcement, of “implicit bias,” – essentially suggesting that everyone, including our police, are basically racist and prejudiced.


Maybe Hillary Clinton should confine her comments to herself. After all, she is the one who described young African-American men as “super-predators.”


How can Hillary Clinton try to lead this country when she has such a low opinion of its citizens?


How can she lead a country when she thinks America is full of racists, deplorables and irredeemables?


By smearing tens of millions of hardworking, decent Americans she has rendered herself unfit to be President.


She has nothing but hostility in her heart for hardworking Americans, of all backgrounds, who just want to live in safety, security and peace.


The police officers she attacks are the same people – of all colors and nationalities – who race into danger every day to save the lives of complete strangers.


Those fostering the dangerous anti-police atmosphere in this country share directly in the blame for the violence and chaos that threatens our most vulnerable citizens.


My agenda of reducing crime will benefit all Americans, but those who will benefit most are African-American and Hispanic-American citizens living in high crime communities. We are going to save thousands of lives.


The special interests, the arrogant media, and the political insiders, don’t want me to talk about the crime that is happening in our country and in our inner cities. They don’t want you to know about the hurt and pain that is happening to our fellow citizens. They want me to just go along with the same failed policies that have caused so much needless suffering and so much preventable heartache.


Well, I have news for the people trying to silence me and trying to silence all of us.


I will never back down from fighting to save American lives.


I will never back down from fighting to save America’s inner cities.


The only people Hillary Clinton ever fights for are the special interests who write her checks. Follow The Money.


Hillary Clinton has been a disaster for so many communities, but especially for African-American communities. I don’t think African-Americans are going to come out and vote for Clinton – they are too smart, and they know they are being used. They also know that she’ll do nothing for them once the election is over – she never does, and that will never change.


Same thing goes for Hispanic voters – they are tired of being used by people like Hillary Clinton, that have no intention of doing anything for them once the election is over.


58% of African-American youth don’t have jobs. There is another shooting in Chicago every 2 hours. 45% of African-American children under the age of six are living in poverty.


The inner cities have been left behind.


Crime is through the roof, public education is a disaster, there are no jobs, it’s dangerous to walk down the street with your child. To the African-American community, I say: what do you have to lose? Vote for Donald Trump, I will fix it.


I will fight for you harder than anyone has ever fought for you before.


Everything you need to know about Hillary Clinton can be understood with this simple phrase:Follow The Money.


The large corporations who support terrible trade deals that offshore jobs – they are donating to Hillary Clinton.


Follow The Money.


The Wall Street investors who have rigged the regulations against the middle class – they are donating to Hillary Clinton.


Follow The Money.


The wealthy donors who want to shut down American energy – they are donating to Hillary Clinton.


Follow The Money.


The special interests who want open borders, for cheap labor, are donating to Hillary Clinton.


Follow The Money.


She and her financial backers will say anything, do anything, lie about anything to keep their grip on power – to keep their control over this country.


In her campaign for President, Hillary Clinton has received $100 million dollars in contributions from Wall Street and the hedge funds.


She received $4.1 million in speaking fees from financial firms.


She and Bill received a total of $150 million in speaking fees from special interests since Bill left office. It’s all part of the rigged system being run at your expense.


The same groups paying Bill and Hillary for their speeches were lobbying the federal government.


Twenty-two groups paying Bill Clinton for speeches lobbied the State Department while Hillary was Secretary of State.


And don’t forget the Clinton contributors were appointed to advisory boards by Secretary Clinton – or all the favors and access granted to those who provided funds. She even gave up 20% of America’s uranium supply to Russia.


She put the office of Secretary of State up for sale – and if she ever got the chance, she’d put the Oval Office up for sale too.


She deleted and bleached 33,000 emails after a Congressional subpoena. 13 phones missing, several destroyed with a hammer. Her staffers taking the fifth amendment, and her ringleaders getting immunity deals. Foreign enemies with easy access to hack her server. Lies to Congress, under oath, about turning over her work-related emails.


The American people have had it with years, decades, of the Clintons’ scandals and corruption.


This will be the year the American people say: Enough is enough.


Hillary Clinton is a vessel for the special interests trying to strip this country of its wealth, its jobs, and its status as a sovereign nation. She is a globalist who has made a career taking jobs from our country and giving them to other countries.


I am not running to be President of the World. I am running to be President of the United States of America.


From now on, it’s going to be America First.


These special interests control Hillary Clinton. She is their chosen representative. You can disregard everything she says and just remember this phrase: Follow The Money. She’s there for only one reason, to protect her donors and collect their money.


Look at her career. She’s been there for 30 years, and has never done anything for you and your family. She’s failed at everything. She failed in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, in Iran, in Egypt. She failed on ISIS – in fact, she unleashed ISIS onto the world.


She failed upstate New York – promising 200,000 jobs, but instead the jobs left. All she did was name a post office and a highway.


She failed the inner cities.


She’s failed women and children.


The only people Hillary Clinton has ever delivered for are her donors.


Our campaign is taking on big business, big media and big donors – we’re taking them on for YOU. So you can have the future you want.


I’m not owned or controlled by anyone – my loyalty is to you, and no one else. I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU.


My economic agenda can be summed up in three very beautiful words: jobs, jobs, jobs.


We will cut your taxes, reduce regulations, negotiate great trade deals, unleash American energy and we are going to repeal and replace Obamacare.


We are also going to end common core and offer school choice to every disadvantaged child – including every poor Hispanic and African-American child in America. We will put every American kid on the ladder of American success: a great education, and a great job.


The people getting rich off the rigged system are the people throwing their money at Hillary Clinton.


Follow the Money.


Our campaign is about breaking-up the special interest monopoly in Washington, D.C. We’re trying to disrupt the collusion between the wealthy donors, the large corporations, and the media executives.


They’re all part of the same rigged political establishment. They go to the same restaurants, they attend the same conferences, they have the same friends and connections. And they are all in for a big day of reckoning on November 8th.


Government will start working for you again. Fixing things is what I do. Just look at my projects in New York, and around the world, where I revitalized neighborhoods and lifted up skylines.


That’s what I want to do for our country – I want to go into every neighborhood and unlock their potential for all of our people.


Together, we can accomplish anything we want.


But that means you need to show up and vote on November 8th - and it means you need to start voting early. Early voting is already underway.


You have to knock on doors. You have to pick up that phone. You have to campaign on the streets. Spread the love that we have in this room to the people of our country. To beat the system, you have to lift your voice, pound the pavement, and get out the vote. Visit our website to find out how you can help.


You have six weeks until the election. You have six weeks to make every dream you ever dreamed for your country come true.


You have one last magnificent chance to deliver justice for every forgotten man, woman and child in this nation.


Don’t let it slip away. Don’t let this chance go. Stand up and be heard – for your family, for your city, for your country.

傲慢的华盛顿建制派们, 将会直面美国选民做出的正义裁决。

The arrogance of Washington, D.C. will soon come face to face with the righteous verdict of the American voter.


This November 8th, we are going to show the whole world that America is Back – Bigger and Better and Stronger than Ever Before.



Here is just some of what will happen starting in January of 2017:

I am going to lower your taxes; eliminate every unnecessary regulation; repeal and replace Obamacare; unleash American energy; end illegal immigration; keep Radical Islamic terrorists out of our country; save the 2nd amendment; support the men and women of law enforcement; and appoint Justices to the Supreme Court who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.


We will rebuild our roads, bridges, tunnels, highways, airports, schools and hospitals.


American cars will travel the roads, American planes will soar in the skies, and American ships will patrol the seas.


American steel will send new skyscrapers into the clouds.


American hands will rebuild this nation – and American energy, harvested from American sources, will power this nation. American workers will be hired to do the job.


We will put new American steel into the spine of this country.


I will fight for every neglected part of this nation – and I will fight to bring us all together as Americans.


Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as One People, under One God, saluting One American Flag.


It is time to break with the bitter failures of the past, and to embrace a new, inclusive and prosperous American future.


Once more, we will have a government of, by and for the people.


We Will Make America Wealthy Again.


We Will Make America Strong Again.

众志成城, 美国将确保国民安全!

We Will Make America Safe Again.


And We Will Make America Great Again.


Thank you, and God Bless!


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