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【欣赏】【文摘】后现代语境下的解构与狂欢: 摘要

摘 要




周星驰 无厘头 喜剧性 解构主义 狂欢化 德里答 巴赫金 后现代主义


Wulitou(non-logic) Movies, which casted with Stephen Chiau(Zhou xing-chi), the famous Hong Kong comediean in the lead, are the typical comedy works in Postmodernist style. In the comedy feature, Destructionism and Carnivalization are the most important technichques to make audiences laugh .

The French philosopher Jacque Derrida is the founder of Destructionism Theory and the Ruassian philosopher Bakhtin is the creator of Carnival Poetics. With Derrda’s major destructive key words, diffěrance, la dissěmination and the basic principle of Derrda’s Character Theory, I analyse the destructive tactics of Wulitou Comedy Movies throughout its conceiption, narration, and performance. By using Bakhtin’s Carnival Theory in respect to work conception, figure design, type rhetoric and work sensation, I analyse the Carnival Aesthetics features of Wulitou Comedy Movies.

I believe,paying more attention to Stephen Chiau’s performance and Wulitou Movies’comedy characteristics, is significant to producing and reseaching the present comedy movies of China.

Key words:

Wulitou(non-logic) Movies, Comedy feature, Destructionism, Carnivalization, Postmodernism, Derrida, Bakhtin

目 录

前 言 ………………………………………………………………………………1

第一章 后现代主义与喜剧电影 …………………………………………………3

一、 后现代文化语境下的影视艺术 ……………………………………………3

二、 大众消费文化和喜剧电影 …………………………………………………4

三、 周星驰和无厘头影片 ………………………………………………………6

第二章 笑因解构而起 ………………………………………………………………9

一、 德里达的解构思维……………………………………………………………9

二、 延异:被永远涂改的“痕迹”与形象 ……………………………………10

三、 播撒:多元歧义的丰富联想 ………………………………………………14

四、 文字学:象形的符号化表演 ………………………………………………18

第三章 在狂欢中搞笑………………………………………………………………23

一、 巴赫金的狂欢诗学 …………………………………………………………23

二、 加冕脱冕:艺术思维的狂欢化 ……………………………………………24

三、 骗子、小丑、傻瓜:人物形象的狂欢化 …………………………………26

四、 讽刺性摹拟:体裁修辞的狂欢化 …………………………………………29

五、 肉体地形学逻辑:作品世界的狂欢化 ……………………………………31

结 语 :无厘头:后现代的中国化解构与狂欢 ……………………………………36

后 记…………………………………………………………………………………40

注 释…………………………………………………………………………………42



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